By Y Lowi

ARIES 3/21 – 4/19

Maybe it’s the cool Autumn air, or all the interesting new people you’ve just met, but something about this week makes you want to party! Aries, it’s time to have fun and shed your sad, old skin. This is the week to pull all of your closest friends tight around you, tell them you love them, and dance.

TAURUS 4/20 – 5/20

Get ready for a reality check!  You’ve been skimming your readings or ignoring a friend, and you’re about to face the consequences. Don’t worry though, Taurus. This is all small stuff; you’ve dealt with far worse. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your corner cutting and start some new, more rewarding habits.

GEMINI 5/21 – 6/20

Gemini, what happened? You’ve been going strong into the start of the quarter, and now you’re suddenly disappointed and overwhelmed, and it’s only Week 2! Take time now to check in with yourself. Are you hungry? Tired? Do you need to spend all day watching movies in bed? Do the work it takes to make yourself feel like a human again—only then can you face the rest of the world.

CANCER 6/21 – 7/22

Have you been feeding hungry cats or writing your friends love letters? Whatever sweet things you’ve been doing, they haven’t gone unnoticed. Expect a pastry on your doorstep, or great feedback on a paper, or the perfect sweater at the free store. You’ve been kind, Cancer, and the people in your life are very lucky to know you.

LEO 7/23 – 8/22

Leo, you may have found yourself challenged or triggered this week. Maybe you lost your wallet, or ran into the person you were most trying to avoid at the grocery store. Either way, remember: you’re resilient and this is all temporary. Let your support systems be a haven for you until this storm passes.

VIRGO 8/23 – 9/22

What, is mercury still in retrograde? This is the week to be extra careful with your words. Someone might lash out at you for something you didn’t think you said, or seem to dislike you for no apparent reason. Don’t take it personally, Virgo, and give yourself the time you need to respond. Interacting with people can be really hard sometimes.

LIBRA 9/23 – 10/22

This week, it’s critical that you give yourself a lot of space. Clear your calendar, clean your desk, and let yourself think, fully. Somewhere in the silence and meditation, you’ll find the doors you’ve needed to move forward. Simply give yourself the time and space to do all the growing you’re ready for.

SCORPIO 10/23 – 11/21

Dang dude, you’re so angry! Someone hasn’t listened to your side of the story, and you have to deal with the consequences! That sucks, a lot… but your anger may not be helping you move forward. Remember that impulsiveness and cruelty come with their own consequences, and try to be as patient and understanding as you can right now!

SAGITTARIUS 11/22 – 12/21

Summer is ending, and with it, other sweet things are too. Unfortunately, there is no going back, and it’s important that you remember that this week. New beautiful thoughts and relationships are about to bloom for you, they just may be in different shapes and places than you expected.

CAPRICORN 12/22 – 1/19

Did you just buy a yacht or something? Whatever happened, it may be wise to take a couple hours right now and think about how to spend your money and what on. It’s one of those things you have to take the time to figure out at some point, and it seems like now is your moment.

AQAURIUS 1/20 – 2/18

Be careful! This week you may find yourself with your defenses down lower than you meant them to be! Aquarius! Take some Vitamin C. Double check that you haven’t left your stove on, or your essay at home! This is the time to be vigilant, and do your best to make sure you’re not letting anything slip away forgotten.

PISCES 2/19 – 3/20

What a relief! Pisces, there’s been a low, black cloud hanging over your head and this week it’s finally going to dissipate! Your steps will feel lighter, and your burdens not so heavy. Don’t slow your happiness with fears of regression. Where you’re at is genuine and hard earned, let yourself feel it with all of your bruised and healing body.