By an Anonymous, Wasted Staff Writer

What was your last dream about?


Honestly i might take that shit to the grave.


What are you always thinking about?


You must think i trust you. You’ll never get inside my mind, this is my own private area.


What will never come out of trend?


This sounds like a riddle. Do you ever feel like, just so angry that you’re completely apathetic to the world?


Which programming language would you like to learn?


Pass. or, if I had the option, upload all of them to my brain at once like i’m in the matrix.


What song is associated with summer and rest [palm tree emoji]?


Fantasy – Mariah Carey or Wide Open Spaces – Dixie Chicks yr welcome


What do you think of fish as a pet?


I mean, it sucks. You can’t touch it, unless it’s those kind that nibble yr finger and then that’s kind of funny. Some people are into lizards and fish and all that but I don’t really get it. Ok they’re sometimes very beautiful i’m not gonna deny that. Lizards and fish are different. The fish can’t run away ok? A lizard could run away and die in the basement if it felt like it. But the fish just sucks on pebbles until it gets a fungus. Plus, there’s no emotional connection. Dogs will at least try to win yr affections by mimicking our body language. It works! Anyways, if you’re into fish that’s cool. I kinda just want all the animals to be free to do whatever they want but we’re past that now. The fish need us and i honor the connection my fish people have with their fish brethern. We all have to take care of each other.


What do you want to cook but you still don’t get it?


I don’t know how to make a salad. I like salad a lot but I try to make it at home and something goes wrong. I can make a pot pie, casserole, stews, curries and rices. I can’t make good salad.


What Movie made you cry?


What movie hasn’t made me cry? I would argue that all movies are designed to create affect and honestly, i am cry.


How to get rid of bedbugs in the room?


You’re fucked. You gotta get rid of everything. You gotta move.


Would KK slider make a good boyfriend?? Why or why not?


“It depends on whether or not you can speak his language like “wah wah wah” or whatever. He’s got a guitar, he’s got thick eyebrows and that’s on trend. The other thing to consider is that he lives inside of a video game, so there’s that. “ – my cool roommate, Alexandria


Right now I am frustrated with some of my friends who are much richer than me, who take their substantial wealth for granted. Some things they do: act unintentionally snobby about food products, cleaning products etc that are cheaper or worse than the ones they use, talk about their passions (theater, art, plays, movies, fashion) in a way that assumes everyone has access to them in the way they do, etc. I don’t really want to lose these friends because we do care about some of the same things, but at the same time they can really get on my nerves. How do I teach them how to have more empathy without being super abrasive?


Dump yr classist friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you in love ? ) ??


No i would never do that to myself.