Body Party

Welcome Back!

Dear Body Party, What’s going on here? Why are we still doing this? What’s the point? Just Checkin’ in, -Body Party Hey there Body Party! Nice to hear from you. It’s been a while! For all you new comers out there (and all of those Cooper Point Journal veterans who […]

Body Party

Hey Body Party, This is my first year at Evergreen, it’s almost June, and I am still a virgin. I get it, I get it, virginity is a construct, but it still blows. There’s this kid I really like and while I’m not in general ashamed of never having had […]


By Nix Chase It’s Aries season and the sun is out to welcome us into spring! This season brings us promises of a fresh beginning and healing from the harsh cold that winter has left in us. Mercury, planet of communication, has rotated into Aries which can be a hot-headed […]