Cupcakes & Beer

“Beer and cupcakes. What an awesome combination,” exclaimed Adam Meredith, a regular customer at Bonjour Cupcakes, as he sipped on a home brewed beer. On the night of November 10, Bonjour Cupcakes held its first Beer and Cupcakes event. Alexandra Mikler, one of Bonjour Cupcake’s bakers, commented that this was […]

Not Enough Books to Go ‘Round

Book Shortages There have been several complaints of book shortages by students and professors this quarter that have impacted students’ ability to keep up with classwork. The existing book-buying policy at the Greener bookstore is to order half the number of books than the number of students in the program […]

The Gnomestead: A Public Nuisance?

A History The Olympia Gnomestead House, filled with radicalism, music, and community, has housed an ever-evolving congregation of students and drifters alike for over a decade. A former Evergreen professor previously owned the house and rented its’ rooms out to Greeners and other community members. Until three years ago, there […]