The Cat Who Took A Walk

By Lexis Sixel In a far far land, right down the street Where the oak trees and the golf course meet, If you go up to the door and knock You’ll find the cat who likes a walk The cat is large and she is hairy And when she’s hungry […]

RE: On-campus Palestine Actions and Information Distribution – Beldaan Solidarity Network

The genocide in Gaza perpetrated by Israeli Occupation Forces has murdered, injured, and disappeared over 100,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 (WHO). Palestinians, in occupied territory and diaspora, are experiencing the destruction of their homes, primary schools and universities, places of worship, orchards, and lifeways all while the world watches. […]


A/N: Abigail told me his favorite flower was a begonia. A begonia sits in our apartment, and is nurtured by her every day. To the administration at Evergreen, and the people who were supposed to keep Jonathan Rodriguez safe, I hope you feel immense amounts of shame for what you […]