Onward: Movie Review by Miette Deschenes

Pixar’s latest feature film, Onward (2020), is a creative, funny, and entertaining addition to their long list of successes. Originally theatrically released in early March, the film was sent straight to digital on March 20 and released on Disney+ on April 3 since theaters nationwide have been closed due to […]

Shit Life Syndrome:

Mental Health and Capitalist Decay

Photo: “Northern State Hospital” by Flickr user Cindy Shebley is licensed under CC BY 2.0 by Alice McIntyre I spent a week in a mental hospital. Most people should do the same.  I say this without condescension and with only the slightest tinge of hyperbole. My time in inpatient mental care gave me valuable tools for emotional processing that everyone, even neurotypicals, can benefit […]

Spoiler Warning:

How Uncut Gems Wins

Photo: Adam-Sandler by CONNOR VICK is licensed under CC BY 2.0 By Alice McIntyre Uncut Gems (2019) is a two-hour-and-fifteen-minute-long heart attack. And I love it. It seems highly unnatural to say that about a film starring Adam Sandler. Stranger still is the fact that Uncut Gems, in marked contrast to Sandler’s myriad rom-com roles of days past, is a […]

Albums of the Year

By Jacob Anderson-Kester 2019 marks the end of the decade. Music has been through a lot in the 2010s: a marked decline in the popularity of rock music, the rise of trap music and a proliferation of its sonic qualities, and the absolute dominance of music streaming platforms.  Music continues to diversify […]