The Father of the Internet

Photo: “Philip Emeagwali” by InfoATemeagwaliDOTcom. CC BY-SA 4.0 / Desaturated & resized from original by Eden Staplefoote After the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite into orbit in 1957, the United States quickly realized that the ability to send information back and forth between computers at a distance had far reaching […]

Leaving Your Legacy at Evergreen with the NSSE

by Leviathan Davis The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) will be appearing in the emails of first-year and senior students Mar. 9. The survey is issued every two years and influences institutional changes surrounding Evergreen’s resource allocation. In addition, the survey informs how Evergreen organizes its curriculum in an effort to […]


Seeking Artist

Photo of found painting courtesy of the author.  By Tzvi Silver A year and a half ago I was driving around with a friend and she spotted a free pile on Division Street that seemed especially lucrative. I slammed on the breaks. There was a huge canvas in the pile, done up in unpleasant colors: pukey purple mixed with […]