Campus Compost Contaminated

Silver Springs, the commercial composting facility that turns Evergreen’s waste from food service areas into compost, is no longer accepting compostable serving utensils at their compost facility. Since 2008 Evergreen has been collecting food waste and other compostable items from the food service areas around campus, including compostable cups, plates, […]

GSU Push For Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

Geoduck Student Union (GSU) representatives began work on a multiple-occupancy, gender-neutral restrooms bill for upper campus at the beginning of the 2012-2013 year. “Upper campus” encompasses Evergreen’s public and educational facilities, while “lower campus” refers to the student housing areas. The two areas have separate facilities management and student government […]

Student Spotlight: Alex Stambor

Alex Stambor is passionate about the sciences. A fifth-year senior pursuing a dual Bachelor of Arts and Science degree, Stambor is currently immersed in the upper-division science program Environmental Analysis. The program’s emphasis on microscopic aspects of ecology aligns well with Stambor’s interests. “I really like biology and chemistry. I’d […]