By Sylvie Chace

After a summer filled with retrograde after retrograde, this fall has finally mellowed out with both Mercury and Pluto stationing direct last week on the 21st and the 23rd. Mercury, the planet ruling communication and day-to-day expression, is at home now in Virgo. Mercury is also trining Pluto, planet of the underworld. This brings forth deeper insights within ourselves, and conversations we need to have to process the pain we’ve left behind in the summer heat.

Venus, planet of relationships, has now transitioned to the intense and passionate sign of Scorpio while Mars, ruler of passionate energy and intense emotion is in the earth sign Capricorn. This combination is sexy, determined, and unstoppable. Scorpio favors personal magnetism, mystery, and desire, while Capricorn is ambitious and disciplined. As we transition from summer to fall, from retrograde to direct, this week brings forth intense emotional energy for all of the signs.

Aries 3/21 – 4/19
You are a very forward thinking type of person and lately you’ve been working through so much of the past. Allowing yourself to break down walls and be emotionally vulnerable with people may not come naturally, but you’ve done such good work. This week, while everyone is getting into their own routine, think about what direction you want to move forward now that you’ve been processing so much old pain. Start building your future and foster the relationships you have with those you want to be a part of that future.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20
You’ve been learning hard lessons lately, most specifically in love. Whether you’re moving on from a breakup or realizing what your true desires are, you will find the most comfort in diving deep into a creative project. With Mars in a fellow earth sign, your grounded and disciplined energy is leading you forward with a faster paced mentality. If you can get through this you can get through anything, and it’s time to get in serious touch with yourself.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/20
With a flurry of new faces and a brand new quarter beginning, this is your time to shine! Allow yourself to be open to engaging with others and open up about yourself. You have an opportunity to re-invent yourself. Start thinking about what experiences you want to leave behind, what experiences you’ve grown from, and what kinds of people you want in your life now. Think of it all as puzzle pieces, and you get to create the image for a new start to your life.

Cancer 6/21 – 7/22
Everyone around you may be meeting and mingling, but don’t feel pressure to create a false identity, or be someone you think others might want to be around. You have so much to offer already with your comforting nature. Start nesting this week, make your home cozier, or if you’ve moved into a new space make it extra special with new decor. You’ll find yourself most at balance when you have a safe space to come home to at the end of each day.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22
Stop doubting yourself and start opening up to community! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there in a way that makes you feel vulnerable. Your ability to command attention is commendable, but maybe what you need right now isn’t all eyes on you, just certain eyes. Make sure the people you are investing time in are people you can trust, building a solid community of support will carry you through anything.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22
Mercury, your ruling planet, is at home in your sign and you’ve found yourself in a flurry attending to finicky details. Mercury in your sign is telling you to have the hard conversations with yourself. Sit down for a minute and think of how far you’ve come. Jupiter, planet of fortune, luck, and destiny was in your sign all last year, and now it’s up to you to take those experiences, both positive and negative and grow from them. It’s worth it to sit still and simply check-in for a minute.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22
Both the sun and Jupiter, planet of fortune, luck, and destiny, are in your sign! Jupiter will remain in your sign for one year making this the year of Libra! Feel free to bask in the beauty of it all, but remember this is the season for getting a routine down and getting serious about your goals. Sometimes when it seems the world is against you, it is the planets showing you what other path you should be on. Find your right path and follow it to prosperity.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21
With Venus now in your sign you may think you’re irresistible to the masses, however this time it’s you that Venus wants to draw out of its shell. You’re known for being secretive, sexy, and a little bit needy, so this is your season for self-empowerment and letting all the bad stuff go. Allow yourself to accept changes in your life and see where they take you. Start looking around and notice what happens to your interpersonal relationships when you love yourself first.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21
You may find that things have been working well for you in regards to your job situation. For someone who prefers to run wild and free, finding stability has been something important to you in the recent past. Start building connections now and use your excitable energy to make your newfound stability comfortable for you. Your social life should be buzzing this week!

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19
If there’s anyone who knows how to contain and compartmentalize their feelings, it’s you Capricorn. With Mars now in your sign those feelings you’ve taught yourself to store away are coming forward at full force. However it shouldn’t be anything to fear. Take this time to check in with yourself and where you are in life. You may find yourself on your feet achieving your goals, or restructuring what it is you truly want in life.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18
With a clear mind and open heart, it’s time to take some big steps forward. This week may overwhelm you with a new routine and a whole new season of change and self-reflection. Don’t walk away from it–own it. Own your past, present, and future and embrace the season of change, no matter how not ready for it you feel like you are. Trust that you have built a life for yourself that is stable enough to handle whatever comes next.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20
You’ve got both of your hands full with what you believe is valuable in your life right now and what is useful for your growth. To make things easier for you, one of those hands needs to be emptied. Let go of what you think is valuable in this moment, because what is most valuable will be the things that aid in your personal growth. You’re good at processing your emotions, so find out what has been holding you back, what are the things that you thought you needed but you really don’t? Find out what it is you really need and start growing!