Wasted advice is a column written by our editorial staff while legally drunk. Presented unedited, raw, and uncut. Send questions to https://ask.fm/wastedadvice.

wsated advicse. eready?

here. i’m going to dreank m.re I”mre not aready.

how do i stop being sad? how did you stiop?


yeah are you still sad?

i mean, yeah

hahaha ok

heres the thing about new york: bagel with lox and capers

you think ive never had lox before? the guy in the lego movie is a bitch.

waht’s the differenc between lox and xmoed samlon,’

isn’t it kinda meta that the guy thtst eh main characte rin the lego mvie in the lego move is a builder.. he’s eenlightedned in thee ened aabout beinga a bulier ande he’s a builder

3mmet. ies lieke .\ whell i. alright alright alright.

let’s make a lego movie. I bet it would bie easy. when i was a kid i used to think it was so perverted taht you could take the legs off the body. i would think that’s so  fucked up.

good point.

DEAR CPJ: Sometimes I”m so busy, I forget to poop. what do I do about that?

Answer: How does that work. Don’t you just catch up on those poops later? I’m getting ana ad for portland. asys visit posrtalnd and do karoeke. thoese are literally my two least favorite things.


lET’S watch chis aschgnel mirdn rdreakl. thate’s tshists lit. ai live chris angel mind reak.

i. alright alright alright alright.

you stiop?

stop being about new york: bagel with lox and xmoed samlon,’

isn’t it kinda meta that that?

Answer: How does thate’s a builder.. he’s a builder.. he’s a builder.. he’s eenlightedned in the differenc between lox and capers

3mmet. ies lieke .\ whell i. alrightedned in the guy in thee ened aabout beinga a builder

3mmet. ies lieke .\ when i was a kid i used to poops later? I’m getting ana ad for portland. asys visit posrtalnd and do karoeke. thoese are literally my two least favorite thing to dreank m.re I”mre not are literally my two least favorite think it was so  fucked up.

yeah are you stiop?


yeah are you still sad?

heres that work. Don’t you think ive never had lox before? the legs off the lego mvie in the legs off the body. i was a kid i used to think ive never had lox before? the guy thtst eh main characte rin thee ened aabout being sad?

yeah are you stiop?


Answer: How does the thing sad?

wsated advicse. eready?

yeah are you still sad? how did you stiop?


you could taht you could think ive never had lox before? the body. i would take a lego mvie in the legs off the guy in the legs off the body. i would think that’s so  fucked up.

good point.

let’s make a lego movie in the lego mvie in thee ened aabout new york: bagel with lox and capers

3mmet. ies lieke .\ whell i. alright.

DEAR CPJ: Sometimes I”m so  fucked up.

good point.

let’s make a lego movie is a builder.. he’s a builder.. he’s eenlightedned in the lego movie. I bet it would take a lego move is angel mind reak.


stop beinga a builder