Aries (March 21- April 20): Live your dreams! You’ve just taken one more trip around the sun and you are glowing! In the wise words of Lizzy Mcguire “Am I an outfit repeater???” If you didn’t know on graduation day Lizzy Mcguire is accused of being an outfit repeater by her arch nemesis tall, leggy, mean blonde girl. In the early 2,000’s Lizzy had her own bitmoji before anybody else and her biggest fear was what people thought of her. Aries this year is the year you LET GO of that same fear. Take other people’s opinions of you and throw them in the trash.

Taurus (April 21- May 21): The stars have you gearing up for a great birthday. But only if you drop the pretenses. Don’t plan a party because it’ll be at someone else’s favorite restaurant, don’t go to a cat sanctuary because your partner loves cats but you’re allergic.  Find a balance between respecting your friends references while still maintaining your integrity. Beware of extremes at this time. As a taurus you can find yourself bulldozing your friends opinions to get your way or completely following what your family/friends care about but neglecting your own desires.

Gemini (May 22- June 21):Fighting for what you believe in is important this week. Be bold and utilize this time tp stand up for your needs. But with Mars moving into your powerhouse make sure you aren’t ignoring people and things because you’re scared. There are good people in the world who are ready to offer help, don’t judge a book  by its cover.

Cancer (June 22- July 22): Your many sided personality will be tested this week.  Mercury and Mars will mess with people’s perceptions of you. Instead of seeing your ability to connect with many people and opinions, others will see you as a lying faker if you aren’t careful. Your real friends know your heart but use wisdom this week to not lead people on. Stay true to commitments and don’t flake out.

Leo (July 23- August 21): Roaring into this week with brand new ideas and emotions you are a barrel of excitement. But you could also use a little cat nap. Don’t delay your much needed self care routine just because you got hit with an inspiration bug. Let your imagination and inspiration run free like a herd of lions roaming the desert but don’t get run down because you neglected self care, like you were being run down by a pack of wildebeests.

Virgo (August 22- September 23): Your brain runs your life. We all know it, this week let you heart speak up and actually pay attention to what it says! Good things happen when you listen to your feelings along with your analytical brain.

Libra (September 24- October 23): “Yeahhhh I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me!” This is your mood as we move away from tax season and you know… wait did you do your taxes? Call your mom and have her help you! Your carefree attitude threatens to be your downfall.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Scorpios are great people but watch out they’ll sting you without warning! Just like scorpions out in the wild your bite is actually worse than your bark. You are the type to sit silently then pounce when they are least expecting it. Just remember when you’re unhappy with someone you don’t want to cause deadly wounds because you never know when you might need that moment again.

Sagittarius (November 23- December 22):  As the days get longer so will you gratitude and patience for those around you. You are evolving in this new spring season, what once was hidden and buried under the earth is about to spring forth in a new way! This week expect new opportunities.

Capricorn (December 23- January 20): Just like a delicious bowl of captain crunch capricorns are sweet and delicious. But if you have captain crunch every day you might get tired of it. Recognize that you are a treat and some people should only enjoy the pleasure of your presence  every once in awhile. This week say no to people and events that are not deserving of your sweetness.

Aquarius (January 21- February 19):  This week being dishonest will not go well for you. Calling out sick from work? Cancelled. Telling your friend you like their new haircut? Don’t do it. Even white lies can snowball so this week your motto is “the truth will set you free.” This doesn’t mean you can go around being mean to people either! It just means you’re being honest or you aren’t talking at all.

Pisces (February 20- March 20): You already know what you’ve been thinking of doing is a great idea! This is your sign to go for it! Stop waiting for permission and take that idea and make it into a reality. You are a smart, capable, charming member of the community. But I didn’t need to tell you that. You know, you’re a pisces.