By Your Cosmic Best Friend


(March 21 to April 19): 

The cosmos are in YOUR favor! Take some strong risks and go out on a limb this week. That insecurity that’s been holding you back, time to let that ish gooooo. This is the time! Fall is the season of orange, pumpkin spice lattes, and daring bold decisions. Aries are known to be fighters but with this, don’t fight it. Go with the flow and take those risks.


(April 20 to May 20):

Maybe more than any other sign, you are connected with the earth and the shedding of these yellow, orange, and brown leaves. This matches the shedding of the old things in the Taurus’ life. Take deep breaths this week; breathe in the beautiful, northwest rain-filled air. Feel the crispness of the crunching leaves under your rain boots. Reconnect with your nature loving side and learn from nature. You’re here at Evergreen to learn from your professors but these Evergreen trees have stories to tell you as well. Are you listening?


(May 21 to June 21):

Feeling two-sided because Lizzo called out Geminis in her new banger “Soulmate”? Don’t stress, on their bad days Geminis turn to being two-sided, but on their best days it means that Geminis have the ability to see all sides, more than most people. Which means that as a Gemini, you can see things other people miss. Take that skillset to your group-work drama. Realize that the potato in your group project is actually just a French fry waiting to be transformed! Give them time and patience and make sure they know when the deadlines for assignments are. Use your Gemini skillset to your advantage in situations.


(June 22 to July 22):

My sweet, sweet Cancer. The most loving and sweet hearted of all the signs. Cancers have a lot of love to give. Make sure that during this upcoming cold weather, you don’t get caught in a cuffing-season situation. When the weather turns cold, people tend to find someone who will cuddle up with them and Cancers are a perfect target. Make sure you’re only giving your love and affection to those who truly deserve it! You are worthy of someone who reciprocates the security you are ready to give out.


(July 23 to Aug. 22):

Time to let your creative juices run wild. You are perfectly poised in the corner of our country to be your truest self! Don’t let doubt hold you back. Fall is a great time to hit the ground running, going after your goals and dreams. Be careful though my little Leo, because sometimes you can fall into lazy lion habits when things don’t excite you anymore. Stick with the projects you’re already a part of and you’ll be rewarded in the long run.


(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22):

Bust out that new planner you got for the school year and get to work! You’re ready to get that perfect attendance award this quarter, so make sure you stay away from germs and are washing your hands. You can’t afford to get sick and mess up your overflowing schedule. Virgos love being analytical and on top of things; however, they can struggle with what to do with downtime. Avoid the urge to fill your downtime with more work. Learn what makes you truly de-stress and pencil in those activities into your week. A little self-love goes a long way.


(Sept. 23 to Oct. 23):

LIBRA SEASON IS HERE! Time to go all out! That’s the mood. Libras give us all that boost of thoughtfulness and preparedness. Your desire to write out thank you notes? Follow it! Wanting to host a Halloween Party? YOU BETTER! Your fall aesthetic is strong and this is shaping up to be your best October ever. Happy birthday babes, glad you were born. You make this cosmic universe a better place.


(Oct. 24 to Nov. 20):

Scorpios can seem aloof but really, they feel things extremely deep. Which means when you love, you love hard. You want to go deep and struggle with small talk. Refrain from judging others who don’t want to discuss the ever-failing healthcare system or how are planet is dying. It’s okay if someone simply wants to suggest the new animated movie and how good butter popcorn is. Finding friends who can help you be present in the moment, and not constantly worried about the state of the planet is a major win.


(Nov. 21 to Dec. 20):

You may not be getting paid for it, but you are out here being everyones number one cheerleader! Someone you love got a promotion, and you’ve already sent a million part emojis with a big CONGRATS attached. This week, you’re probably already planning a road trip because you love a good drive. Take your drive out west this weekend. Enjoy the beach in Seabrook and be with nature and your friends. Some may not appreciate the gray beauty of the northwest but you are here for it. Call up some friends and plan a little trip to the coast, with a full car and an even fuller heart. 


(Dec. 23 to Jan. 20):

This fall create a little creativity corner. Post up with your Hydro Flask and paint supplies. Caps are strong caretakers of their friends and will get fired up fast over any injustice they think they’re facing. Capricorns are smart, reliable, but can go to being judgey pretty quick. This week… Let’s not. 


(Jan. 21 to Feb. 21):

Just do the dang thing. Buy the expensive coffee. Ask that cutie out on a date. Tell your grandma you love her. Life is way too short to hold back on what makes you happy and makes your life better. Which includes finishing assignments on time and showing up for work, and the events that matter. Sometimes the best way we can help ourselves is to do the hard work.  


(Feb. 22 to March 20):

Harness your water energy! Use all the rain to your advantage. Also, the Evergreen’s gym is open, so you can truly get into the water. Pisces have a vast array of emotions they struggle to share with others. Break out of your clam shell and swim free in the sea of new emotions.