Here’s a fun new game. When you go to your Halloween festivities play your own game of BINGO and whenever you see one of these costumes (which you will), then go ahead and take a shot of pumpkin juice or whatever you happen to be drinking at the time. Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple Cider? I don’t drink alcohol so I don’t know what’s the popular Halloween beverage. But take a shot of whatever you like every time you see this costume on Oct. 31.

  1. The Cat: We get it, you are wearing black with some kitty ears. But this costume does range from extremely intricate—Like hello are you in the new remake of the movie CATS?! Because you could have fooled me—all the way to the person in the black sexy outfit who drew on some whisker ears so she could be a “cat” and not just a hot girl. But hey do your thing boo.

2.       The Deer: We stan a deer makeup look. It’s fun, it’s easy, and it makes for super cute Instagram photos. Plus, Walmart has little deer ears & a collar for like seven bucks right now.

3.       The Witch: Ahhhh the classic of classics on all hallows eve. A costume that can be worn by a cute three year old or a cute 23-year-old or an even cuter grandma 83-year-old. This costume is classic and I’d bet money you see at least three before the night is over.

4.       The Superhero: Wonder Woman has been seen on every Halloween ever since Gal Gadot graced our movie screens a few years ago. That plus Batman, Superman, Aqua man, and my personal favorite the Black Panther #WakandaForever. You are bound to see some crime fighting superstars on this night of spooks.

5.       The Skeleton: Every time I see a skeleton costume all I can think is “Them bones them bones them dry bones… The foot bone connected to the leg bone, the leg bone connected to the… oh please like I know what every bone is connected to.” This is a great gender non-binary costume as well, if you’re in the market. A skeleton is a great way of remembering we are all the same underneath it all.

6.  The Ghost: Honestly, I would love to see someone transform this timeless costume from “Ghost” to “ghosting” because let’s be honest in this day and age THAT’S SO MUCH SCARIER.

7.       The unnecessarily scary costume: Speaking of scary, you are guaranteed to spot someone whose costumes is so scary you laugh but inside you want to go hide under the covers. I’m looking at you, people dressing up like IT!

8.       The insanely specific: I won’t lie I LOVE a highly specifically carefully thought out costume. This doesn’t mean it’s very intricate or expensive. But it is highly detailed and they will need to pull out their phone so you can appreciate how correct they nailed their look.

9.       The store bought one: This is either going to be a taco, or a piece of pizza or one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes that have been very popular the last few years. 

10. The Northwest Native: You know, they’re rocking a Patagonia, Northface, Birkenstocks complete with warm wool socks. The one accessory they won’t be sporting? An umbrella. Because a True Northwesterner wouldn’t be caught dead with an umbrella. It’s not really raining just a light misting. 

@HeyMariah is a student at The Evergreen State College. Her hobbies include making TikTok videos for her 63 thousand followers and drinking hazelnut lattes. She loves that Evergreen’s mascot is a Geoduck who wears a shiny glitter shell because she’s never met a glitter-anything she didn’t love. You can catch her in the morning listening to NPR on the daily and flying to Hawai’i as much as possible.