By Allegra Simpkins and Brittanyana Pierro

For many students, approaching the middle of the quarter is a daunting and sometimes soul-crushing endeavor. As the missed work of past weeks and the upcoming work of midterms looms ever present in the subconsciousness, one’s ambition often dwindles away into the sea of untouched readings and unfinished papers. Here at the Cooper Point Journal (CPJ), we understand the struggle; blood, sweat, and tears will be shed no more at students’ expense! Here is a list of tips and tricks from other Evergreen students who have made it over the hurdle:

“Utilize that planner you spent $30 on and JUST START.” –  Brennen Tucker, Junior

Before you even ask—yes; using a planner will make you feel like a wealthy Caucasian housewife in her mid-40s, but that’s exactly what you need right now. If you haven’t purchased a 2019-2020 planner yet, NOW is the time! And if you’re feeling a little crafty (or broke lol), try making your own out of an old unused notebook. 

“Audio books are a great way to help speed read.” – Kenny Brock, Senior

Listen, this is my third year at Evergreen, and I have not read a book to date. I don’t recommend not reading class material, but we all just need to be honest with ourselves here. Audible, Evergreen’s Library and Timberland Regional Library all offer audiobook versions of the same books you buy in the bookstore for a much cheaper price and a much shorter reading time. An average of eight hours carves out an entire piece of literature. Multi-task your way to full credit my friends. 

“Success comes from within. Stabilize your own energy first, then begin.” –  Avery Quinn, Junior

How to stabilize one’s energy:

  1. Meditation
  2. Medication 
  3. Prayer
  4. Marijuana

“Find a study buddy in your program and use a study room.” –  Makenna Medrano, Junior

There is nothing better than having someone else to endure monotony with. It doesn’t even have to be someone from the same class; find a friend or fiend willing to STFU and study with you for a few hours each week. It will pay off I promise! And honestly, maybe at the end of the quarter you guys will fall in love. Sleepless in Olympia, baby. 

“GO TO OFFICE HOURS. Create a plan with your professo.r” –  Allegra Simpkins, Senior

A study plan is essential, especially if you’re behind in your work. We both know you’ve blown off studying to binge watch some sub-par show at least a few times this quarter. Sex and the City season four is not worth it y’all! Trust me. Get your degree and you can become the next Carrie Bradshaw. 

“Limit time on social media.” – Lauren Re, Junior

Instagram is a trap to control your mind and also keep tabs on your location. Don’t trust the internet. Delete your Facebook, and throw your phone away.