by Your Cosmic Best Friends

For the purposes of our predictions, we suggest that you focus on your chart’s Ascendant sign, though you may find it helpful to read your Moon and Sun, as well. If you do not know your rising sign or would like to learn more about your chart we recommend using or


Life may feel difficult this month, Aries, but the full moon on October 20th is the perfect time for you to celebrate yourself! Because so many signs have been in your 7th House, relationship conflicts may have been especially difficult to deal with. This is likely because of your (sometimes brutal) honesty. Jupiter’s retrograde in your 11th house has also forced you to worry about relationships’ longevity and your future. Have no fear, Aries, you will be there to catch yourself when you fall. You are still a contagiously exciting energy to be around and the balance in your relationships will return. 

Song Rec: Soulmate // Lizzo


There’s a strong focus on health this month, Taurus! Mercury, Mars, and the Sun are all currently in Libra which rules over your sixth house of wellness and service. Try not to fixate too much on what you should be doing because, ultimately, there is no rulebook! While you are a determined and hard worker, it is also okay to indulge in the comfort and calmness you often seek. Venus in your eighth house may mean that your love life may be in a transitory or regenerative state. This IS a good thing! New things that serve you will only be able to enter your life if you clean out the old. It is okay to grieve but it is also a time to celebrate! 

Song Rec: Independent Women, Pt. 1 // Destiny’s Child


Creativity is key for you right now, Gemini! With so much action in your fifth house AND Mercury and Venus forming a sextile on the 17th, it is a perfect time to get those creative juices flowing. If you don’t usually consider yourself a creative person, this may be the time to lean into a new skill or project. People often forget the creative spark of your cerebral ruling planet, Mercury, but creative expression is necessary for your well-being! Embrace this side of yourself and allow it to permeate the other realms of your life. 

Song Rec: Under the Influence // Snoh Aalegra


Home and close relationships are looking tough this month, Cancer. Your emotional side is typically the thing that makes you so unique and appreciated, but be careful not to lose yourself in the moodiness. As the Sun squares Pluto in your fourth and seventh house respectively, it is important to keep your head and be mindful of selfishness. You crave love deeply, which is not a bad thing! It may just be the time to refocus outside of yourself. Thankfully, the full moon this month is in your Midheaven of Aries! The 20th is the perfect night for you to manifest career goals and the things you desire for yourself. Nobody can stop you once you get going, Cancer! You got it!

Song Rec: Wasteland, Baby! // Hozier


Uranus’ ongoing retrograde in your tenth house may cause difficulty for your career and leave you feeling powerless. This will challenge you, Leo, because your regal personality makes you a natural-born leader. Thankfully, the Aries full moon encourages you to redirect your energy to your deeper goals. Start that new self-help book, plan that upcoming trip, and spend your time focusing on the things that fill your cup! Your chart’s ruler, the Sun, encourages you to pour this joy into your close connections, but be cautious and save enough goodness for yourself!

Song Rec: Petals // TOPS


Try not to confuse your head and your heart this month, Virgo. While you usually come from a place of analysis and logic, Neptune’s retrograde in your seventh house of Pisces may change your usual pace. Lots of emotions and feelings about spirituality are in your future. Though it is important to feel these things rather than push them down, it is also vital that you distinguish between fact and fantasy. Abundance is also in your future, Virgo, and you may have noticed this already. Commotion in your second house means that finances are undergoing lots of change. It may be hard to balance your need for success with your desire for ease, but you will earn what you deserve in the end. Focus on the positive and keep the dollars coming in! 

Song Rec: just like magic // Ariana Grande


Release unnecessary guilt this month, Libra. It’s okay to celebrate your wins, birthday baby! It’s time to put your time and money into what you care about. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself in one on one relationships. A new career or health based endeavor may be daunting, but consistency is all you need to see a positive outcome! Mars rules over your second house, so food deeply affects your disposition, motivation and desire. Your body may be particularly sensitive to certain foods as you transform your outlook so it’s a good time to adjust your diet as needed. A close relationship may be coming to an end around the 20th as the full moon in Aries squares Pluto in your 4th house – it’s okay to be both sad and relieved. You exist in multitudes.

Song Rec: I Love You But I Love Me More // MARINA


You may be feeling particularly introverted this month, Scorpio. Your home life or close relationships may be feeling hectic and tumultuous drawing you inwards. It can feel as though the needs of your loved ones draw your energy from your personal goals and you are striking a balance between how much you can and can’t do. New studies pique your interest and you may find yourself deep-diving into a new subject at school or hobby you pick up. Mercury will be stationing direct in your 12th house on the 18th – at this time you may come to the realization there are certain connections or vices in your life that you have outgrown. This is a sign of growth, not a reason to panic. Honor your gut feelings. Remember – anxiety revs you up, intuition is calm. 

Song Rec: Life Goes On // Oliver Tree


Nervous energies may interfere with your sleep this month, Sagittarius. Tend to any repressed emotions brought up with compassion. The intentions you set this month will have lasting power over the next 6 months. A sudden boost of abundance in the form of resources you have been seeking will help you feel clearer about future plans when it comes to work. Be careful to read the fine print when it comes to signing any contracts! As Saturn retrograde turns direct in your 3rd house later this month, petty conflicts and tension with friends and siblings ease up.  Friends from the past may be coming back as well!

Song Rec: Vibrate On // Erykah Badu


It’s time to invest in yourself, Capricorn! Those plans you’ve been sitting on for months are ready for you to get things going. Don’t be daunted by the time you have to invest in future projects and plans. You have the slow burn Midas touch! Now is not the time for self-deprecation. Network your ass off and believe in your sardonic charm. The most transformative experiences will be personal this month. Take time to process the growth you’ve gone through over the past few months in relation to self-awareness. With Jupiter retrograde ending on the 18th and going direct in your 2nd house, you’ll notice finances becoming more stable and even likely an increase in opportunities for finding new sources of income.

Song Rec: Grumpy Old Man // Remi Wolf


Big decisions this month, Aquarius! Be careful not to let authority figures in your life manipulate your goals or morals. Your dedication to social causes carries greater influence this month. The new moon in Libra is happening in your 9th house and trines Saturn and Jupiter in the 1st house – a new beginning buds in relation to the themes of education, travel, and religion! Moving house is favorable from the 18th onwards. Many blockages experienced over the past few months are lifting! You’ll be feeling more optimistic about your future and capable of making major personal decisions independently. It’s also a highly favored time for beginning a new health/fitness based routine. 

Song Rec: XTRA (ft. Tierra Whack) // Willow Smith


This month is potent for you, Pisces! With Venus squaring Jupiter in your 12th house, subconscious worries come to light – it is time to recognize where your fears manifest in the form of self-limitation and liberate yourself. With your dreamy nature, fantasy can become reality when you let yourself work towards it and accept help along the way. There’s a focus on increasing intimacy within relationships as well as attracting new romantic connections – so get flirty, babes! Finances are looking up this month, especially when it comes to collaborative work. Renewed interest in spirituality and a great time to prioritize self-care.

Song Rec:  I Am (ft. Flo Milli)  // Yung Baby Tate