
Howdy, sea goat! 

The new fall season is upon us. Your excitement for the new school year is uplifting your spirit. Stay with that. Make sure to spend plenty of time outdoors before the days get darker sooner. Your ruling planet, Saturn’s, retrograde in Pisces is a reminder to trust your gut. Try to hold onto your routines, the structure will provide you with balance and security. You are capable of handling anything that comes your way. Just remember to schedule some emotionally fulfilling activities!  You go this, fam! 


Hey There, Libra!

Every fall season I sense that feeling in the air. Maybe it’s the changing colors of the leaves, the smell of spices and dried fruits, the energy is optimistic, and there is so much possibility for something new. Your ruling planet, Venus, entered Virgo on October 8th. This season your romantic planning is selective and organized. You’re placing importance on meaningful relationships. Give yourself space and free time to discover new and spontaneous things. You deserve an adventure, and you have the temperament right now to keep your heart safe in the process. 


Hello Darling Pisces!

Right now Neptune is in Pisces, and it’s been there for several years. You might wonder why this is significant enough to be brought up now. It’s because Neptune will leave Pisces in 2025. This time is crucial. Your ruling planet of creativity is in your house! These next few years are the times to really branch out and explore your creative endeavors. Take your current creative practices and see what happens when you try to upscale them. You can be bigger and bolder, the time is now and you are a shining star! 


My dearest Virgo, 

I hope this autumnal season is bringing you joy. Your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Scorpio on October 21st. For you, this is a great combination. The electric energy from Scorpio will bring an uplift to your calculated and methodical ways. This is the perfect time to try and reframe your anxieties into excitement. If you have a lot on your plate right now, try to take breaths and treat every calendar item as an opportunity rather than an obligation. You work so hard and you deserve the mental peace babes!


Hello there Taurus,

Let’s take a moment to reflect on how much the fall season resonates with us earth signs. Perfect. Right now your ruling planet, Venus, is in Virgo. This era is not exactly a huge shift for you, you are always thoughtful in your romantic endeavors and take your relationships seriously and with care. You should take this time to shift your energies towards your passions outside of relationships. What hobby have you been meaning to invest more time in? What project have you felt guilty about not finishing? Taking the time to give that extra love and attention to your passions will be emotionally fulfilling for you. 


Hey shawty bae, 

In the fall you always sparkle, and this season you are the diamond. Your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Scorpio on October 21st. This is the season for you to get up to no good, safely! Step outside your comfort zone and try some new things, whether it’s going out with the girlies to a new spot in town or learning a new skill. Try to fight away anxieties that crawl into your head by turning it into excitement! You deserve fun things, don’t be afraid to be the first to reach out. You got this!


Hey there, Leo!

This fall season is the perfect time to step outside yourself and look at your surroundings. Look at your community, your friends, your classmates. Is everyone doing okay? Check-in on people. Be reflective of your presence in your community. There is a reason why autumn is a season we stop to give thanks, that’s because of the abundance we see in our lives after a harvest. Now is a good time to check in with yourself as well. Are you doing okay? Take some time to express gratitude for the things going well, and give yourself permission to feel bad for the things going wrong. Keep your head up, Leo.



Great to see you here. I hope you’re doing well. Your ruling planet, Mars, is in Scorpio. This is an era of intensity. Your Aries energy stacked on top of the driven and purposeful energy of the planet Mars gets amplified by Scorpio. Make sure you don’t fly off the rails! With all this intensity happening, make sure you don’t get flung into chaos. When going about daily life, be sure to slow down and be mindful of your actions. Take extra care with the feelings of others and yourself. At the same time, try to get the most out of this time and use that drive to accomplish something on your to-do list. Be careful out there! 


Hey Cancer! 

Your school year might have had a bumpy start, but things will level out for you! On October 28th, there will be a full moon. Because the moon is your ruling planet, this is a significant time for you. The full moon marks the end of something or something finally coming to fruition or a close. Something ending isn’t necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it’s needed. Take care of yourself during this time. Make yourself a warm beverage if that’s your thing and sit down for some reflective journaling. You’re going to be okay. :) 


Howdy, Scorpio! 

I hope this autumn season has you feeling well. One of your ruling planets, Pluto, is in Capricorn. This time symbolizes a change for you. It could be a new perspective shift or a general era of “awakening” yourself to new ideas. It is best to stay open-minded and try to hold off judgment towards the unknown. While you work towards your goals this quarter, try to keep these sentiments in mind. Also, remember to sprinkle some fun into your busy schedule, you deserve it! 


Hey there Sagittarius! 

I hope your school year has started well, and you’ve gotten settled into routine. This autumn season is the perfect time for you to reach out to your community and get back to being social. Remember to practice being the first person to reach out or initiate a hangout. You should take up a new activity and get all your friends to join in. As the full moon approaches on the 28th you might notice some tension building in your life, but rest assured it will release. Take time to write down your dreams, hopes, and fears, and let them sit with you. What energy do you want from the universe right now? What energy are you giving back? Be mindful of this. Everything will end up okay. 


Hello there, Aquarius! 

Did you know that the autumn season is actually one of the best times to view the Aquarius constellation in the night sky? You should get out there one of these nights and have a moment to yourself to connect with the stars. Remember, you’re made of them. Fall is the most common season for emotional/mental changes and it makes sense because everything around us is changing as well. Fall back into your passions and keep your heart’s desires in mind during your decision-making. If you have been having a hard time with something, now is the time to make the choices that put your personal peace first. See you out there!